Other Resources
Discussion Lists
- DocBook
DocBook discussion list.
- comp.text.xml
Unmoderated forum from Google Groups regarding XML technologies.
Resources for learning and training
- Learning DITA with
Take a free DITA course developed by Scriptorium.
- Customize DITA
The DITA Open Toolkit manual is a great way to get started when customizing the published output obtained from DITA content.
- Learning XSLT with Oxygen
This section presents the features of the XSLT editor and how these features can be used.
- Learning DocBook
The DocBook definitive guide covers all aspects of the DocBook Specification.
- Customize
DocBook publishing using XSLT
The DocBook Complete Guide covers all aspects of DocBook publishing customizations.
- Learning Schematron with Oxygen
Schematron Checks to help Technical Writing
- Learning XML Schema with Oxygen
Find out what tools and features Oxygen offers for XML Schema editing.
- Learning Relax NG with
Relax NG (Regular Language for XML Next Generation) is a schema language that allows you to express in a formal way the structure and content of an XML document.
- Oxygen User Manual
A complete manual of using Oxygen XML Editor.
Tutorials regarding XML, XSL, XML Schema, XPath, Schematron, CSS, XInclude, and XSLT.
XML tutorials and articles.
- Oracle
A tutorial which describes the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and its related specifications.
- xFront.com
A collection of tutorials and articles regarding XML and Web Technologies.
- RELAX NG Tutorial
A tutorial for RELAX NG version 1.0 which specifies a pattern for the structure and content of an XML document.
- Microsoft - XML Developer's Guide
Contains a complete section dedicated to XML, XSLT, and schema technologies.
Flute CSS Parser
Oxygen uses a modified version of the Flute parser for parsing CSS 2 stylesheets. The Flute parser is Copyright © 2002 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
Saxon 6.5 and Saxon EE Processors
Oxygen is bundled with and uses modified versions of the original Saxon 6.5 XSLT processor and Saxon EE XSLT and XQuery processor, from Michael Kay. The source code of the modifications added to the original processors is provided for both Saxon 6.5 and Saxon EE. These modifications are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0.
oNVDL - Oxygen XML NVDL Implementation Based on Jing
Starting with version 20070517, oNVDL provides two NVDL implementations, one in Java and one in XSLT 2.0, the latter being only for the dispatching part of NVDL.
oNVDL was developed on top of Jing to add NVDL support starting with the existing NRL support. Read more