New Account Features

dog present

What's New?

    1. Autoship

      Keep your pet's favorites in stock

      Never run out of essentials again

      Convenient and easy - Schedule deliveries right to your door

    2. Frequent Buyer Program

      Get rewarded for shopping with us

      Redeem rewards online (View Here)

      Online and in-store purchases count towards rewards

    3. Personalized Shopping Experience

      Check out faster an keep track of orders

      Save your pet birthdays with pet profiles

      Stay in the know for weekly deals to save money on favorites

paw print

Ready to be a paw-some shopper? Choose your profile type...

You can access to your existing account information and take advantage of all the perks as a part of Centinela Feed Family! Your account information will contain your previous order history and Frequent Buyer Program history (if applicable). Your Frequent Buyer History will include in-store and online purchases.

You will need to reset your password to access your account even if:
  • You have an online account already
  • You have only shopped with us in-store

1. Go to the account login page.

2. Click on "forget password?" above the "Login" button.

login form

3. Fill out your email address in the pop-up box. Use the email where you receive our sales and discounts.

forgot password

4. Check your email inbox for the email to reset your password. Please check your spam or promotions folder if you do not see it in your inbox.

5. Reset your password using the link in the email. Make sure your password meets the following requirements

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • At least 1 capitalized letter
  • At least 1 special character (!@#$%^&*)
  • At least 1 numeric character (0123456789)

6. Log into your account with your new password.

7. Be sure to save your password!

  You have successfully changed your password!

cat in box

Create an account with us today to take advantage of all the benefits and join our paw-some family!

Please follow these steps to access your account:

1. Go to the account login page.

2. Click on "Create Account" next to the "Login" button

forgot password

3. Fill out the required information to make your account and click "Create Account" when complete.

4. Log into your account with your new password.

5. Check your email inbox for he email confirmation that your account has been created. Please check your spam or promotions folder if you do not see it in your inbox.

6. Be sure to save your password!

  You have successfully created an account!


You can access to your existing account information and take advantage of all the perks as a part of Centinela Feed Family! Your account information will contain your previous order history and Frequent Buyer Program history (if applicable).

You will need to reset your password to access your account even if:

  • You have an online account already
  • You have only shopped with us in-store

1. Go to the account login page.

2. Click on "forget password?" above the "Login" button.

login form

3. Fill out your email address in the pop-up box. Use the email where you receive our sales and discounts.

forgot password

4. Check your email inbox for the email to reset your password. Please check your spam or promotions folder if you do not see it in your inbox.

5. Reset your password using the link in the email. Make sure your password meets the following requirements

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • At least 1 capitalized letter
  • At least 1 special character (!@#$%^&*)
  • At least 1 numeric character (0123456789)

6. Log into your account with your new password.

7. Be sure to save your password!

  You have successfully changed your password!

cat in box

You can access your existing account information and take advantage of all the perks as a part of Centinela Feed Family! Your account information will contain your previous order history and Frequent Buyer Program history (if applicable).

You will need to reset your password to access your account even if:
  • You have an online account already
  • You have only shopped with us in-store

Please follow these steps to access your account:

  1. Go to the account login page.
  2. Click on "forget password?" above the "Login" button.
forgot password

  1. Fill out your email address in the pop-up box. Use the email where you receive our sales and discounts.
forgot password

  1. Check your email inbox for the email to reset your password. Please check your spam or promotions folder if you do not see it in your inbox.
  2. Reset your password using the link in the email.
  3. Make sure your password meets the following requirements
    • Minimum 8 characters
    • At least 1 capitalized letter
    • At least 1 special character (!@#$%^&*)
    • At least 1 numeric character (0123456789)

  4. Log into your account with your new password.
  5. Be sure to save your password!

  You have successfully changed your password!

cat in box

Create an account with us today to take advantage of all the benefits and join our paw-some family!

Please follow these steps to access your account:

  1. Go to the account login page.
  2. Click on "forget password?" above the "Login" button.
  3. login form

  4. Fill out the required information to make your account and click "Create Account" when complete.
  5. Log into your account with your new password.
  6. Check your email inbox for the email confirmation that your account has been created. Please check your spam or promotions folder if you do not see it in your inbox.
  7. Be sure to save your password!

  You have successfully changed your password!


You already have an account with us under that email address and will need to reset your account password.

Please follow these steps to access your account:

  1. Go to the account login page.
  2. Click on "forget password?" above the "Login" button.
  3. forgot password

  4. Fill out your email address in the pop-up box. Use the email where you receive our sales and discounts.
  5. forgot password

  6. Check your email inbox for the email to reset your password. Please check your spam or promotions folder if you do not see it in your inbox.
  7. Reset your password using the link in the email.
  8. Make sure your password meets the following requirements
    • Minimum 8 characters
    • At least 1 capitalized letter
    • At least 1 special character (!@#$%^&*)
    • At least 1 numeric character (0123456789)

  9. Log into your account with your new password.
  10. Be sure to save your password!

  You have successfully changed your password!