WSDL Documentation
The Oxygen WSDL Documentation tool allows you to easily generate full documentation for the WSDL components in HTML format, including comprehensive annotations and cross references. You can generate a brief documentation listing the services, bindings, port types, and messages defined in the WSDL documents.
Generate Documentation in HTML Format
You can use Oxygen to generate detailed documentation for the components of a WSDL document in HTML format. You can select which WSDL components to include in your output and the level of details to present for each of them. The WSDL documentation also includes the XML Schema components that belong to the internal or imported XML schemas.
Options for WSDL Documentation
The WSDL Documentation dialog box offers a set of options that allow you to select the format of your output, to split your output into multiple files in case it is too large, and to decide what components to include in the documentation.