26.1Version 26.1 - March 25, 2024
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Version 25.1 - March 16, 2023
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24.0Version 24.1 - March 7, 2022
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Version 23.1 - March 4, 2021
23.0Version 23.1 - March 4, 2021
Version 23.0 - November 19, 2020- 22.1
Version 22.1 - May 19, 2020
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Version 22.1 - May 19, 2020
Version 22.0 - February 12, 2020 2020
21.1Version 21.1 - May 23, 2019
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Version 21.1 - May 23, 2019
Version 21.0 - February 22, 2019 2019
20.1Version 20.1 - June 15, 2018
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Version 20.1 - June 15, 2018
Version 20.0 - March 16, 2018 2018
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Version 19.1 - September 29, 2017
Version 19.0 - April 5, 2017 2017
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Version 18.1 - October 18, 2016
Version 18.0 - April 21, 2016 2016
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Version 17.1 - October 20, 2015
Version 17.0 - May 5, 2015 2015
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Version 16.1 - October 7, 2014
Version 16.0 - May 20, 2014 2014
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Version 15.2 - January 22, 2014
Version 15.1 - October 7, 2013
Version 15.0 - June 7, 2013 2013
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Version 14.2 - February 13, 2013
Version 14.1 - October 19, 2012
Version 14.0 - June 27, 2012 2012
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Version 13.2 - January 12, 2012
Version 13.1 - October 26, 2011
Version 13.0 - August 29, 2011 2011
12.0Version 12.2 - May 19, 2011
Version 12.1 - January 12, 2011
Version 12.0 - September 14, 20102010
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Version 11.2 - March 16, 2010
Version 11.1 - December 17, 2009
Version 11.0 - October 9, 2009 2009
10.0Version 10.3 - June 29, 2009
Version 10.2 - April 15, 2009
Version 10.1 - February 25, 2009
Version 10.0 - October 23, 20082008
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Version 9.3 - July 2, 2008
Version 9.2 - May 9, 2008
Version 9.1 - December 18, 2007
Version 9.0 - November 2, 2007 2007
8.0Version 8.2 - May 7, 2007
Version 8.1 - January 25, 2007
Version 8.0 - November 20, 2006- 7.0
Version 7.2 - June 6, 2006
Version 7.1 - March 2, 2006
Version 7.0 - January 13, 2006 2006
- 6.0
Version 6.2 - September 19, 2005
Version 6.1 - July 19, 2005
Version 6.0 - May 22, 2005 2005
5.0Version 5.1 - January 18, 2005
Version 5.0 - October 15, 2004- 4.0
Version 4.2 - July 15, 2004
Version 4.1 - June 10, 2004
Version 4.0 - April 30, 2004 - 3.0
Version 3.1 - February 6, 2004
Version 3.0 - January 14, 2004 2004
- 2.0
Version 2.0.4 - September 19, 2003
Version 2.0.3 - August 14, 2003
Version 2.0.2 - June 9, 2003
Version 2.0.1 - May 15, 2003
Version 2.0 - April 2, 2003 2003
- 1.0
Version 1.2.4 - December 17, 2002
Version 1.2.3 - November 27, 2002
Version 1.2.2 - October 22, 2002
Version 1.2.1 - September 27, 2002
Version 1.2 - June 27, 2002
Version 1.1.9 - June 15, 2002
Version 1.1.8 - June 5, 2002
Version 1.1.7 - May 27, 2002
Version 1.1.6 - May 24, 2002
Version 1.1.5 - May 20, 2002
Version 1.1 - May 15, 2002
Version 1.0 - April 15, 2002
Oxygen XML Editor 11.1
Author (Visual Editing) Mode
Schema-Aware Editing Mode
The insertion of XML fragments and attributes is checked against the associated
schema. If the XML fragment is not accepted at the cursor position, multiple strategies
are employed to determine a better insert position. The developers can implement other
strategies as needed by customizing the OxygenAuthor mode.
Schema-Aware Editing Mode for DITA, DocBook, TEI and XHTML
All the major XML documentation frameworks were enhanced with specific
schema-aware editing support. For instance, when editing a DocBook document the text
inserted directly in a section is wrapped automatically in either a title or a para
element. Typing text between the rows of a table will result in automatic creation of
table row and table cell elements around the inserted text. Pasting a list item into a
section will also create the parent list element and so on. The same functionality is
available for DITA, TEI and XHTML.
Schema-Aware Whitespace Normalization and Serialization
When a document is loaded into the Author mode, the XML schema
information is taken into account to decide whether or not whitespaces are relevant. For
instance, spaces between sibling elements are relevant if the model of the parent element
is mixed, and they are ignorable if the parent element has an element-only
Compact Rendering in Full Tags Mode
A more compact layout is used for the "full-tags" display mode of the
Author mode. This layout is much more ergonomic by placing multiple XML
tags on the same line.
Quick Up/Down Navigation
By enabling the "Quick up/down" in the visual editing mode, the cursor is moved
directly between the lines of text without going through intermediate positions between
blocks (the intermediate position can still be reached using the left/right arrows or with
the mouse). For instance, you can move the cursor directly from the title text into the
paragraph text, without going through the intermediate position between them. This is a
very helpful feature when reviewing documents or editing mainly content.
Update Author API
There are additional methods available in the Author API. For example, you can
close an editor, or create an XSLT or XQuery transformer. Schema-aware editing can be
customized for a specific document type by registering an AuthorSchemaAwareEditingHandler.
Integration of the DITA OT 1.5 M24
The DITA Open Toolkit has been updated to the latest version: 1.5
Show Resolved Topics in the DITA Map Editor
XSLT and XQuery
Support for SaxonPE/EE Configuration Files
Starting with version 9.2 Saxon allows setting a configuration file that
specifies all the possible options for the processor. You can specify such a configuration
file for the Saxon processor embedded in Oxygen XML Editor.
Visual Editing of the XSLT Documentation
Oxygen XML Editor provides rendering and a set of custom actions to help
writing XSLT documentation inside XSLT stylesheets in the visual editing
Support for XQuery for Java (XQJ)
Any XQuery Processor implementing the XQJ API can be configured and used for
XQuery execution in Oxygen XML Editor.
Enhanced XProc Scenarios
The XProc transformation scenarios allow you to set options and parameters
(global or for each port).
Dynamic XProc Content Completion Assistant
The Content Completion Assistant offers the available option names of the
built-in steps. When entering a port reference it displays the available port
Better Error Reporting with Calabash
Oxygen XML Editor collects the messages Calabash writes to the standard
error and displays them for the user. These provide important information related to the
reported errors. For example, the user can find the reason a stylesheet compilation
Handling of Error Levels for Schematron Validation
The schema author can control the error level used for Schematron reports and
failed assertions. This can be done using the "role" attribute. Oxygen XML Editor will
recognize values (such as info or information,
warn or warning, error, and
fatal) and will set the error level of the reported messages
Additional Information URL for Schematron Messages
If the Schematron schema specifies a URL in the "see" attribute then Oxygen
XML Editor will report the in-scope see attribute value as additional URL information for
the reported message. The user will be able to just click in the message to open that URL.
For example, the schema author can specify a URL the user will be directed to if an
assertion fails, that URL can provide details about what the assertion checks and what are
the possible solution to fix the file when the assertion fails.
Import/Export Validation Scenarios
The XML validation scenarios can be saved to a file and imported in another
Oxygen instance.
Format and Indent
The Format and indent was improved significantly to allow Oxygen XML Editor
to take advantage of a number of information sources such as the associated XML Schema or
DTD, the XML document itself, the options, and in the case of visual editing mode, the
associated CSS stylesheet.
Schema-Aware XML Format and Indent
The format and indent takes into account schema or DTD information to determine
if an element has text, element only or mixed content. It also looks if the schema or the
DTD defines a default xml:space attribute to know if the whitespace should be preserved or
Mixed Content Elements List
It is possible to specify a list of elements that have mixed content, thus
allowing correct processing of the whitespaces inside those elements in cases when the
instance document does not contain enough information to allow Oxygen XML Editor to
detect that the content is mixed.
Control Indenting of Inline Elements
When the "Indent inline elements" option is enabled the XML elements inside
mixed content (inline elements) are indented on a new line if they are preceded by
whitespace only text. If unchecked, the inline elements are placed on the same line with
the surrounding text.
Preserve Empty Lines in the CSS Editor
Empty lines are frequently used to delimit sections in the CSS source. The
editor preserves the empty lines when you pretty-print a CSS file.
XML-Aware Search Filters
A number of XML search options have been added to the Find/Replace dialog box,
allowing you to control exactly what parts from the XML document should be processed (text
nodes, attribute values, comments, etc.) This capability is available when using the
find/replace operation over a document loaded in the Text mode, or when
using it over a set of files.
XPath Filter for Find in Files
You can limit the range of the find and replace operations to sections from the
XML documents that are covered by the given XPath expression.
Highlight Searched Terms in the Search Results
The exact search terms are highlighted when shown in the search results list.
This makes it easier to spot the term into the surrounding context.
XML Diff
Availability as a Separate Application
The diff support from Oxygen XML Editor is available also as a separate
application or as a component. For more information please see the diff description page.
Exclude Filters When Comparing Directories or Archives
You can specify file or directory patterns to exclude resources during the
comparison operation.
Compare by Content
When performing a diff between directories and archives the files can be
compared by timestamp, through a binary comparison. Oxygen can also apply content
comparison. This allows you to honor comparison options, such as ignoring the whitespaces,
the namespace prefixes in XML, etc.
Editing and Usability
Tile and Stack Document Windows
The document windows can be easily arranged using the actions from the Window
menu that allow you to tile document windows horizontally/vertically or to stack them
Synchronous Scrolling
The scrolling feature allows to auto synchronize horizontal and vertical
scrolling for all visible document windows making easy to inspect similar files when
placed side by side. This functionality can be activated from the Window menu.
Quickly Reopen the Last Closed Editor
The last closed document can be quickly reopened with the "Reopen last closed
editor" action available from the contextual menu of any editor tab.
Restore Cursor Position
The last cursor position of a file edited in Oxygen is restored when the
file is reopened.
Exclude Elements List for Spell Checking
The user can specify a list of simplified XPath expressions that match the XML
elements that will be ignored by the spell checking operation.
Background Color for Elements and Attributes by Prefix
When editing an XML document you can assign background colors to XML elements
and attributes from different namespaces, by associating colors to prefixes. This option
is available in the "Editor / Colors / Elements/Attributes by prefix" options
Support for KML/KMZ Files
A framework was added to provide document templates, an XML Catalog, and
default schema for KML files. KMZ files are registered in Oxygen XML Editor as
archives so they can be easily explored in the Archive browser and the enclosed files can
be edited by Oxygen XML Editor directly inside the KMZ archive.
Subversion Client
Updated the SVNKit library
The SVNKit library was updated to version 1.3.1.
More Responsive Repository Browsing
Configurable timeout for repository connections and stop non-responsive
repository browsing operations.
File Level Repository Imports
Added support for importing files into a repository.
Support for Replacing Working Copy Resources
Working copy resources can be replaced with their version from the HEAD or BASE
Better Handling for Obstructed Resources
Operations correctly take into account obstructed resources.
Improved History Support
Show history for resources deleted from the repository but which are still
present in the working copy.