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Oxygen XML Web Author includes an AutoCorrect feature to automatically correct misspelled words as you type. There is a default list of commonly misspelled words and symbols for each supported language, but you can modify the list to suit your needs.

Customizing the AutoCorrect Terms List Using Oxygen XML Editor/Author

To customize the term list used by the AutoCorrect feature, follow these steps:
  1. In Oxygen XML Editor/Author, go to Options > Preferences > Editor > Edit Modes > Author > AutoCorrect.
  2. Make whatever changes you require and click Apply. If you need help with any of the options in this preferences page, see AutoCorrect Preferences.
  3. Go to Options > Preferences > Editor > Edit Modes > Author > AutoCorrect > Dictionaries and note the location where the dictionaries are stored.
  4. Navigate to that location with a file explorer and look for a patch file (it should look like: en_patch.xml).
  5. Copy or move that patch file to the options/autocorrect folder that is located inside your Oxygen Data Directory (oxygen.data.dir/options/autocorrect).
  6. Restart Web Author for the AutoCorrect feature to start using the new terms list.

Alternate Method (Without Using Oxygen XML Editor/Author)

  1. Create a patch file called en_patch.xml with content like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <deletion match="i" substitution="I"/>
        <deletion match="(c)" substitution="©"/>
  2. Save it in the options/autocorrect folder that is located inside your Oxygen Data Directory (oxygen.data.dir/options/autocorrect).
  3. Restart Web Author for the AutoCorrect feature to start using the new terms list.

Text-to-Markup AutoCorrrect Conversions

Some built-in frameworks include a configuration file that defines shortcut patterns that can be used to automatically insert a certain XML structure. More specifically, the XML structure (fragment) automatically replaces a specific prefix pattern. For example, if you are editing a DITA document using the built-in DITA framework, entering a hyphen (-) followed by a space at the beginning of a paragraph would automatically replace them with an unordered list element (<ul>) with a child list item element (<li>). This is made possible by the AutoCorrect mechanism.

It is possible to customize the particular configuration file (structureAutocorrect.xml) to define your own markup insertion shortcut patterns for your custom framework (document type). For more information, see Customizing Text-to-Markup Automatic Conversions.