00:00:07When editing XML documents in Text mode, you
can use the new rectangular selection feature
00:00:12to copy, cut, paste, or edit the content within
the selection.
00:00:18This is useful for editing or copying content
in a rectangular area that spans across consecutive
00:00:25lines, such as column-like formatted text.
00:00:29We will demonstrate how this works using a
simple text example extracted from a command
00:00:34line interface.
00:00:47For example, we want to modify the date and
time format. The easiest way to select a rectangular
00:00:53block of data (or column of data) is to hold
down the Alt key (or Alt + Meta keys on Mac
00:00:59OS X) then click the point where you want
to begin the selection and drag the mouse.
00:01:05Release the Alt key to end the selection.
00:01:09Everything you modify on a line inside the
gray highlight is also modified on every other
00:01:15line of the selection,
at the exact column position.
00:01:18In our example, first we want to get rid of
the back slashes in favor of dashes...
00:01:23Also, we want to have a shorter format for
the year.
00:01:27Once we're finished editing, we can press
Enter or Esc to exit the rectangular selection's
00:01:34editing mode.
00:01:35Now we'll get rid of the file size column
and we want to set a full file path to the
00:01:43listed files, so we want to paste the path
prefix in front of the file names.
00:01:55Again, we press Enter to exit the editing
mode and our modifications are complete.
00:02:02For more information about the rectangular selection shortcuts, please consult the oXygen UserGuide.
00:02:08And this concludes our demonstration. Thanks
for watching.